
We like to facilitate and encourage research in the area and offer special rates for scientists wanting to do research in the Mutinondo Wilderness Area for prolonged periods of time, on the condition that paperwork is in order and both the intentions and findings are shared with Mutinondo. So far, botany, birds, butterflies and fungi have been the main interest for research - apparently, 36 unidentified boletes (mushrooms) were collected in the four days a mushroom expert visited us.
To date the botanical research has resulted in 2 publications namely":
Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of the Miombo Woodlands by Paul Smith and Quentin Allen
Photo rich Field Guide to the (wetter) Zambian Miombo Woodland (part 1 and 2) by Kaj Vollesen and Lari Merrett
The latter includes descriptions of 1634 plant species, including over 20 new species including:
Commelina sallyae, Crepidorhopalon mutinondoensis, Emilia mayense, Emelia mutinondoense and Habernaria binghamii.
Entomologists and lepidopterists have contributed generously to Mutinondo's invertebrate inventory of 709 different species to date of which 234 are butterflies. This research resulted in a new butterfly called Caraxes mutinondo and a new moth called Tumicla mutinondo
Mutinondo has also had a new frog named after it, Ptychadena mutinondoensis thanks to a former manager who spotted the unusually long tailed tadpole on lodge rock.
The late geologist Patrick Mumba was studying the granite outcrops between Mutinondo and Kapiri Mposhi. We hoped that this and his other papers and thesis will be published in honour of his abundant work, enthusiasm and knowledge of Zambian Geology. We look forward to receiving the results of other work done at Mutinondo.
Fish recorded at Mutinondo Wilderness
Fish recorded at Mutinondo Wilderness
Fish species of Mutinondo Wilderness version Oct 2017 (Frank Willems)
No. Common Name; Scientific; Habitat
1 Line-spotted Barb; Barbus lineomaculatus; various x Abundant. The most common species in dambo's and abundant in rivers.
2 Sidespot Barb; Barbus neefi; Rivers, dambo's ? Seems there are 2 Barbus species in the rivers but requires confirmation
3 Straight-fin Barb; Barbus paludinosus; various x Fairly common
4 Redspot Barb; Barbus kerstenii; (mountain) streams x Abundant in the rivers.
5 Blotched Catfish; Clarias stappersii; mainly forested small rivers x Common in rivers
6 Snake Catfish; Clarias theodorae; river and lagoon margins, rootstocks etc x Sight record by Carl Huchzermeyer. Confirmation would be good.
7 Suckermouth Catfish (sp); Chiloglanis sp; rapids x Caught by Richard Peel downstream from Kankonde Camp. Species level ID needed. Could be an undescribed form.
8 Stargazer Mountain Catfish; Amphilius uranoscopus; rapids x Common in rivers
9 Topminnow; Micropanchax sp; floodplains & marsh x Species unclear (taxonomy probably confused)
10 Southern Mouthbrooder; Pseudocrenilabrus philander; various x Abundant in rivers
11 Greenhead Tilapia; Oreochromis macrochir; quiet reaches of rivers and floodplains ? "Restocking" with unkown "tilapia" by Fisheries. Unclear what/whether still present. Fish seen in Musamfushi resembles this species, though pictures taken during introduction suggest (also) Oreochromis niloticus (Nile Tilapia) and Tilapia rendalli (Redbreast Tilapia).
12 Blackspot Climbing Perch; Microctenopoma intermedium; Quiet shallow well-vegetated waters x Single record (waterpump)
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