Mutinondo Wilderness Blog - Page 2
Mutinondo Newsletter 2012
We were very fortunate to have an extremely peaceful and positive year. Despite a strangely behaved visitor in January, the year has brought an extremely important milestone for Mutinondo's future and security and thanks to our great camp sitter Guni, staff and our lovely easy going visitors we were spoilt with very special holidays in Zanzibar, Botswana, Rwanda and UK with family and friends.
Mutinondo Newsletter 2011
On the 2nd day of the year Moses the groom cycled at great speed into camp. He had encountered a very cheeky lion on the road near Big Kabasano. We drove out to see if it was still there, couldn't see anything other than foot prints. Mike ignoring an earlier request not to get out of the car, walked about 50m looking for other footprints to see where it had gone off the road he returned to say that something brown had rustled in the bush. We drove back to see what the brown thing was and there was the most handsome young lion sitting about 10m into the bush at the foot of an anthill. Every time I wound the window down to take a photo it threatened to charge the car and when we drove off it chased us. Will Mike listen next time???????? Hahaha!! After a few warning shots later on in the evening the lion moved on up the road and hasn’t been seen again.
Mutinondo Newsletter 2010
If last year was a rich and rough tapestry this year was a fairly cheerful short silky scarf.
We launched into the new year with our new accessories: 3 dogs, security guards, 2 pump-action shotguns, radios and a different routine. Usually we just have to remember our reading glasses before going to bed, now we are far better loaded but we love sharing our bed with Stella who together with Jack and Karla give us plenty to smile about (beware – all we do is talk to or about the dogs!) There have been a few sessions of target practice and our rather wild looking ex poacher was very imaginative and agile in his practice actions. To further add to our sense of security Jeremy Pope and Conservation Foundation built a ZAWA and Police camp at the end of our drive. Thank you very much to Jeremy and CF for this very generous and effective contribution to the security and conservation of this area. ZAWA scouts are installed but no sign of any Policemen as yet. Dont hold your breath....
Mutinondo Newsletter 2008
Four days into the new year brought wonderful news from Dr. Lizanne Roxburgh who told us that while going through her records a bulbul with a ring which she caught during a visit in October 2007 WAS BULBUL!!!! He had left home with his “new friend” in August 2004. After being raised by our nephews from a fledgling it was fantastic news as well as being an interesting story for science (a 3 part series in the ZOS magazine starting from September 08). January also brought a modest beginning to Salamo student scholarships thanks to a request from the headmaster. We were pleased to sponsor 10 orphans which also helped to prevent the classes beyond grade 7 from closing through lack of pupils. (May this little project survive the petty village jealousies it seems to have attracted.)
Mutinondo Newsletter 2007
Dear All,
Our plans to work harder at working less were coming together perfectly for the first half of the year, accounts were absolutely up to date, the staff were gradually making us redundant, Mike’s back operation after a year and a half recovery has been a success, there was plenty of time to give our plant photo collection the attention it needed and our wish list of places to explore and things to do was growing.
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